Tobias Preuss 应用

Umweltzone (low emission zone) 2.12.0
Tobias Preuss
Low emission zone information for all* Germancities.This application enables people to look up the areas of citieswhich are restricted for being used by cars limited by theirspecific emission profile. The app shows the outline of the lowemission zones and provides additional information about dates orspecial regulations such as for vehicles registered abroad.Moreover, the user can use the FAQs to read about emission groups,fine particles, stickers for cars or motorbikes, punishments,exception permits and many more. Further, there are several linksincluded pointing to external websites which serve more informationto read through.*Some cities have not published the geo-coordinates in asuitable (machine-readable) file format. You can change thissituation with a simple email. This can be sent directly fromwithin the application.The application runs on smartphones and tablets from Android 2.2(Froyo) and above.---Developers: Tobias Preuss, Peter Vasil---Umweltzone is an open source application for Android. The sourcecode can be found here: kinds of feedback such as improvement ideas or bug reports canbe sent via emai to:, additional thoughts and feature requests can be put on thewebsite It also allows to voteideas of other people.
VCFB 2014 Programm 1.29.5
Tobias Preuss
Programm zum Vintage ComputingFestivalBerlin (VCFB) im Pergamon-Palais* Programm ansehen* Beschreibung von Veranstaltungen lesen* Erinnerungen (Alarm) für Veranstaltung setzen* Veranstaltung in Kalender eintragen* Link zur Veranstaltung teilen* Unterstützte Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch(Programmtexteausgenommen)Inhaltliche Fragen zum Programm kann nur das VCFB-Teambeantworten.Diese App stellt lediglich die Programmpunkte zurVerfügung.Fehlerberichte sind herzlich willkommen, aber achte darauf, dassduerklärst, wie man den Fehler reproduzieren kann.Die App basiert auf der Fahrplan-App [1] für den KongressdesChaos Computer Clubs. Der Quellcode der Anwendung ist aufGitHub [2]zu finden.[1] Fahrplan-App-[2] GitHub Repository - forVintageComputing Festival Berlin (VCFB) in the PergamonPalais* See program* Read Description of Events* Set reminders (alarms) for event* Add event to calendarShare * Link to event* Supported languages: German, English (programtextsexcepted)Substantive questions about the program can only answer theVCFBteam. This app only provides the program pointsavailable.Bug reports are welcome, but make sure that you explain howthereproduce error can.The app is based on the Timetable App [1] for the Congress oftheChaos Computer Club. The application source code is availableonGitHub [2].[1] Timetable App-[2] GitHub repository -
MRMCD 2019 Fahrplan 1.40.0-MRMCD-Edition
Tobias Preuss
Programm zur MRMCD-Konferenz 2019 an der TU Darmstadt Funktionen: ✓ Tagesüberblick über alleProgrammpunkte ✓ Beschreibung von Veranstaltungen lesen ✓Veranstaltungen in persönlicher Favoritenliste verwalten ✓Favoritenliste exportieren ✓ Alarm für Veranstaltungen setzen ✓Veranstaltungen in Kalender eintragen ✓ Link zu Veranstaltungen mitanderen teilen ✓ Programmänderungen einsehen ✓ Veranstaltungenbewerten ✓ Unterstützte Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Portugiesisch,Französisch (Programmtexte ausgenommen) 💡 Inhaltliche Fragen zumProgramm kann nur das MRMCD-Team beantworten. Diese App stelltlediglich die Programmpunkte zur Verfügung. 💣 Fehlerberichte sindherzlich willkommen, aber achte darauf, dass du erklärst, wie manden Fehler reproduzieren kann. Der Issue-Tracker findet sich hier: 🏆 Die Appbasiert auf der EventFahrplan-App [1] für den Kongress des ChaosComputer Clubs. Der Quellcode der Anwendung ist auf GitHub [2] zufinden. [1] Fahrplan-App -[2] GitHub Repository -
Datenspuren 2023 Fahrplan 1.61.0-Datenspuren-Edition
Tobias Preuss
The data traces conference on September 15-17, 2023 on your Androiddevice.
taz lab 2019 Fahrplan 1.39.0 (taz lab-Edition)
Tobias Preuss
Program for the Congress of taz on April 6, 2019 in Berlin
Hackover 2023 Fahrplan 1.60.2-Hackover-Edition
Tobias Preuss
The program for the hackover from July 14th to 16th, 2023 on yourAndroid device.
Altglas 0.4.0
Tobias Preuss
Die Anwendung zeigt die Positionen von Altglas-Containern auf einerKarte. Momentan können nur Anwohner in BerlinCharlottenburg-Wilmersdorf die Glas-Container orten, da nur dieseStandortdaten vorhanden sind. Datenspenden (Online-Quellen) sindherzlich willkommen! Im Idealfall überzeugt die Stadtverwaltung dieContainer-Daten unter einer entsprechenden Lizenz als Open Data zuveröffentlichen. Ich suche für diese App Entwickler, die dieAnwendung weiterentwickeln und für andere Städte umsetzen wollen.Auf der "Code for Germany"-Projektseite sind mehr Informationen zufinden: ---Entwickler: Tobias Preuss --- Altglas ist eine OpenSource Anwendungfür Android. Der Quellcode ist unter folgender Adresse freizugänglich: Jegliche Art vonFeedback wie Verbesserungsvorschläge oder Fehlermeldungen können andie hier aufgeführte E-Mail-Adresse gesendet werden. ---Stichwörter: Glas, Recycling, Mehrweg, Waste, Berlin, Container,Gläser, Flaschen, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Open Data, OpenGovernment
PGCon 2018 Schedule 1.33.4 (PGCon-Edition)
Tobias Preuss
Conference program for PGCon 2018 PGCon is an annual conference forusers and developers of PostgreSQL, a leading relational database,which just happens to be open source. Appfeatures: ✓ View program by day and rooms (side by side) ✓ Customgrid layout for smartphones (try landscape mode) and tablets ✓ Readdetailed descriptions (speaker names, start time, room name, links,...) of events ✓ Add events to favorites list ✓ Export favoriteslist ✓ Setup alarms for individual events ✓ Add events to yourpersonal calendar ✓ Share a website link to an event ✓ Keep trackof program changes ✓ Automatic program updates (configurable insettings) ✓ Supported languages: English, German (Eventdescriptions excluded) 💡 Questions regarding the content can onlybe answered by the content team of the PGCon. This app simplyoffers a way to consume and personalize the conference schedule. 💣Bug reports are very welcome. It would be awesome if you candescribe how to reproduce the particular error. The issue trackercan be found here: 🏆 The app isbased on the EventSchedule app [1] for the anual congress of theChaos Computer Club. The source code can be found on GitHub [2].[1] Schedule-App -[2] GitHub repository -
FOSS4G 2023 Program 1.58.2-FOSS4G-Edition
Tobias Preuss
The program for the FOSS4G conference (26.6.-2.7.2023) on yourAndroid
GPN 2023 Fahrplan 1.59.0-GPN-Edition
Tobias Preuss
Program of the goulash programming night from June 8th to 11th,2023 in Karlsruhe
Droidcon Berlin 2019 Schedule 1.39.1 (Droidcon-Berlin-Edition)
Tobias Preuss
The alternative program app for the Droidcon Berlin 2019 atCityCubeDroidcon Berlin is a conference where the Androidcommunity meets,shares ideas and collaborates. It is renowned forbeing highlydeveloper-oriented and brings together geeks from allover theworld. App features: ✓ Viewprogram by dayand rooms (side by side) ✓ Custom grid layout forsmartphones (trylandscape mode) and tablets ✓ Read detaileddescriptions (speakernames, start time, room name, links, ...) ofevents ✓ Add events tofavorites list ✓ Export favorites list ✓Setup alarms for individualevents ✓ Add events to your personalcalendar ✓ Share a website linkto an event ✓ Keep track of programchanges ✓ Automatic programupdates (configurable in settings) ✓Supported languages: English,German (Event descriptions excluded)💡 Questions regarding thecontent can only be answered by thecontent team of Droidcon Berlin.This app simply offers a way toconsume and personalize theconference schedule. 💣 Bug reports arevery welcome. It would beawesome if you can describe how toreproduce the particular error.The issue tracker can be foundhere: 🏆 Theapp isbased on the EventFahrplan app [1] which was initially builtfor thecamp and annual congress of the Chaos Computer Club. Thesource codeof the app is publicly available on GitHub [2]. [1]Fahrplan-App-[2]Repository-
FIfFKon 2018 Programm 1.36.1 (FIfFKon Edition)
Tobias Preuss
Programm zum FIfFKon 2018 - Brave New World -28.-30.9.2018 Konferenzthemen: ✓ Automation✓ ChinaSocial Credit Systems ✓ CryptoParty ✓ Cyber-Sicherheit✓Cyberrüstung ✓ Digitale Gesellschaft ✓ Donald Trump ✓ DSGVO ✓GNUName System ✓ Künstliche Intelligenz ✓ ProtectiveOptimizationTechnologies ✓ Staatstrojaner ✓ Weizenbaum-Medaille✓Weizenbaum-Studienpreis Veranstaltungsort: ✓ TUBerlin,Mathematikgebäude Funktionen: ✓ Tagesüberblick überalleProgrammpunkte ✓ Beschreibung von Veranstaltungen lesen✓Veranstaltungen in persönlicher Favoritenliste verwalten✓Favoritenliste exportieren ✓ Alarm für Veranstaltungen setzen✓Veranstaltungen in Kalender eintragen ✓ Link zu Veranstaltungenmitanderen teilen ✓ Programmänderungen einsehen ✓Veranstaltungenbewerten ✓ Unterstützte Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch(Programmtexteausgenommen) 💡 Inhaltliche Fragen zum Programm kannnur dasFIfFKon-Team beantworten. Diese App stellt lediglichdieProgrammpunkte zur Verfügung. 💣 Fehlerberichte sindherzlichwillkommen, aber achte darauf, dass du erklärst, wie manden Fehlerreproduzieren kann. Der Issue-Tracker findet sichhier: 🏆 DieAppbasiert auf der EventFahrplan-App [1] für den Kongress desChaosComputer Clubs. Der Quellcode der Anwendung ist auf GitHub [2]zufinden. [1] Fahrplan-App-[2]GitHub Repository-
36C3 Schedule 1.55.0
Tobias Preuss
The 36C3 Schedule app (Dec 27-30) for the CCC in Leipzig on yourAndroid device
FOSDEM 2023 Schedule 1.57.0-FOSDEM-Edition
Tobias Preuss
The program for FOSDEM 2023 (Feb 4 & 5) on your Android
FOSSGIS 2023 Programm 1.58.1-FOSSGIS-Edition
Tobias Preuss
Program for the FOSSGIS conference on March 15 - 18, 2023 in Berlin
KotlinConf 2019 Schedule 1.40.3-KotlinConf-Edition
Tobias Preuss
The alternative program app for the KotlinConf at BellaCenter,Copenhagen - Dec 4-6, 2019 https://kotlinconf.comConferencetopics: ✓ Android Jetpack ✓ Channels ✓ Compose ✓Coroutines ✓ Flow✓ GraalVM ✓ Gradle Kotlin DSL ✓ GraphQL ✓ gRPC ✓Java ✓ KotlinMultiplatform ✓ Kotlin puzzlers, vol 3 ✓ Kotlin/Native✓ Ktor ✓Kubernetes ✓ NoSQL data persistence ✓ Progressive Web Apps✓Raspberry Pi ✓ RxJava ✓ Serialization ✓ Swift Interoperability✓Testing ✓ TornadoFX App features: ✓ View program by day androoms(side by side) ✓ Custom grid layout for smartphones (trylandscapemode) and tablets ✓ Read detailed descriptions (speakernames,start time, room name, links, ...) of events ✓ Add eventstofavorites list ✓ Export favorites list ✓ Setup alarmsforindividual events ✓ Add events to your personal calendar ✓ Shareawebsite link to an event with others ✓ Keep track ofprogramchanges ✓ Automatic program updates (configurable insettings) ✓Supported languages: Dutch, English, French, German,Italian,Portuguese, Russian, Spanish (Event descriptions excluded)💡Questions regarding the content can only be answered by thecontentteam of the KotlinConf. This app simply offers a way toconsume andpersonalize the conference schedule. 💣 Bug reports areverywelcome. It would be awesome if you can describe how toreproducethe particular error. The issue tracker can be foundhere: 🏆 Theapp isbased on the EventFahrplan app [1] which was initially builtforthe camp and annual congress of the Chaos Computer Club. Thesourcecode of the app is publicly available on GitHub [2].[1]Fahrplan-App-[2]GitHub Repository-
JEV 2022 Schedule 1.56.1-JEV-Edition
Tobias Preuss
The JEV 2022 Schedule app for the JahresEndVeranstaltungen (Dec27-30)
LibreOffice 2022 Schedule 1.55.0-LibreOffice-Edition
Tobias Preuss
Event schedule of the LibreOffice 2022 Conference(28.09.-01.10.2022)
Camp Schedule 2019
Tobias Preuss
The schedule app for the Camp in Mildenberg (Aug 21-25) onyourAndroid device
FrOSCon 2022 Programm 1.54.0-FrOSCon-Edition
Tobias Preuss
The program of the FrOSCon conference on August 20th + 21st, 2022on your Android device.
HOPE 2022
Tobias Preuss
The schedule app for A New Hope (July 22-24) on your Android device
Bits & Bäume 2022 1.55.1-Bits-und-Baeume-Edition
Tobias Preuss
Lecture program of the Bits & Bäume Conference
DiVOC Schedule 1.54.0-DiVOC-Edition
Tobias Preuss
Digital Verteiltes Online-Chaos - Bridging Bubbles
CLT 2023 Fahrplan 1.58.0-CLT-Edition
Tobias Preuss
The CLT schedule of the Chemnitz Linux Days (March 11-12) onyourAndroid